No matter how hard you squeeze a lemon it will never make apple juice, it was designed to make lemonade.......
Reach, stretch push, and stride to do so from the perspective of grace. It's because of Gods pre determined choice that humanity even exists. Rev 13:8B
......the Lamb slaughtered before the world was founded......... So prior to Adam's error God foresaw this and already provided a solution for Adam's Redemption. So if a grace and a mercy like that, was extracted from any class of christian or individual the compensation for their inability would be a punishment unable to bear. So regardless of the believers greatest efforts, the lamb was slain before that believers efforts were even a thought, or even acted upon. Making the greatest efforts of humanity incompatible to the efforts of the lamb that was slain. The efforts of the lamb, being Jesus, was an effort so supernatural that the mind of man cannot fully comprehend it. Infact, humanity has only been able to pursue the idea of these efforts, to only keep discovering the depth of it's purpose. (These thoughts provoke my spirit to burst out in heavenly languages that I would like to be able to express and write out right now ha ha ha hallelujah) These efforts of Jesus, our Great Rule are not capable of being matched, so it's more beneficial to simply surrender & yield. Yielding to the gracious efforts of our great ruler, that is mans greatest diligence.