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Writer's pictureJeremiah Angel

A price that's too high for purchase

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed ....but with the precious life of Jesus Christ....

It wasn't gold, silver, Mastercard, American Express, GBP or USD, that paid the price for the belieiver. But rather it was the investment of Gods own Son that purchased and redeemed the believer. Just incase you missed your 1st opportunity to shout & celebrate right there, I will make sure to give you a second opportunity.

Though death was a necessary sacrifice for humanity's imperfection The God of Heaven was not irresponsible but infact invested one of His own family members so that the believer could access the goodness of God at unlimited ratio. That's a High priced tag. But the God of Heaven would desire to pursue his creation even if there may have been times that His creation wouldn't pursue Him. That was your second opportunity.

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