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Thank you for your Partnership, its important that you remain interactive & committed in prayer, giving and with the teachings of this ministry. As you do all three, I believe, that you will grow in the same grace that the Lord is pouring out here, now.


When you Partner with God through this organization you have an opportunity to partake of the same grace that is flowing from the Lord into my life and this ministry. When we connect our resources with Heaven we can partake of the unlimited supply that is stored there. It is important that we celebrate when a believer can be a greater giver. So it is important to distinguish differences in giving. Jesus pointed out the differences in the peoples offerings. In Luke 21, when he pointed out the offering that got his attention, which was actually the smallest amount but her offering was wrapped in faith. If one can excel in their giving it potentially signifies that the revelation of Heavenly Economics has grown in that believers life. 2nd Corinthians 8:7 show us to excel in the grace of giving, we celebrate the excelling of our partners. The book of 1 Samuel 30:24 reveals to us that the one who went to battle received the same reward as the one who invested in the equipment. It's important to understand that the one who invested in the equipment was able to partake of the same anointing that was on the prophet of God. As the leader won the victory, their constant investment was a sign of commitment to the cause and the anointing that the leader was operating in. This is the power of partnership. 

Partner Information

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      $300 or more a month


•Discount on all Courses

•Specified & On Occasion invites to Jeremiah Angel connect:

International one on one program

(video call via zoom)

•50% discount on all merchandise

•special seating at events

•weekly ministry texts from Jeremiah Angel & his immediate ministry team (no reply)

•Full access to special partnership meetings/events

•benefits & reward program (discounts, coupons, specials)



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           $150 or more a month


•Discount on all Courses

•Specified & On Occasion invites to Jeremiah Angel connect:

International one on one program

(video call via zoom)

•50% discount on all merchandise

•special seating at events

•weekly ministry texts from Jeremiah Angel & his immediate ministry team (no reply)

•Full access to special partnership meetings/events

•benefits & reward program (discounts, coupons, specials)









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      $50 or more a month


•Discount on all Courses

•Specified & On Occasion invites to Jeremiah Angel connect:

International one on one program

(video call via zoom)

•50% discount on all merchandise

•special seating at events

•weekly ministry texts from Jeremiah Angel & his immediate ministry team (no reply)

•Full access to special partnership meetings/events

•benefits & reward program (discounts, coupons, specials)

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      $20 a month ($240 a yr)


•Discount on all Courses

•Specified & On Occasion invites to Jeremiah Angel connect:

International one on one program

(video call via zoom)

•50% discount on all merchandise

•special seating at events

•weekly ministry texts from Jeremiah Angel & his immediate ministry team (no reply)

•Full access to special partnership meetings/events

•benefits & reward program (discounts, coupons, specials)

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      $5 a month ($60 a yr)


•Discount on all Courses

•Specified & On Occasion invites to Jeremiah Angel connect:

International one on one program

(video call via zoom)

•50% discount on all merchandise

•special seating at events

•weekly ministry texts from Jeremiah Angel & his immediate ministry team (no reply)

•Full access to special partnership meetings/events

•benefits & reward program (discounts, coupons, specials)

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